Change of General Manager at HARDTOP

Mrs. Dipl.-Ing. Irina Ißleib-Lubojanski has decided to pass on her position as General Manager of HARDTOP Gießereitechnologie GmbH to the next generation and thus ensure the stable continuation of the company. The company founder, Mr. Prof. Dr. Armin Ißleib, thanks his wife for her many years of service as CEO. Mrs. Ißleib-Lubojanski will continue to actively support the company and will dedicate her knowledge and experience to new and future-oriented tasks within HARDTOP.
As her successor, Mr. Dipl.-BW (FH) Chris Hofmann was appointed General Manager with effect from July 31, 2024. His qualifications and commitment are an excellent fit for this position and we are pleased about his willingness to manage and lead the company together with Mr. Pof. Ißleib in the future. Mr. Hofmann has been with the company since 2008 and has been granted signing authority of HARDTOP Gießereitechnologie GmbH since 2019. He can therefore look back on many years of experience at HARDTOP.
Mrs. Irina Ißleib-Lubojanski will be granted signing authority for the company with effect from August 1, 2024.
We wish Mrs. Ißleib-Lubojanski and Mr. Hofmann every success and creative power in their new positions!